Gjerlev a/s has many years of experience in chemical products for protection, impregnation and renovation of surfaces.
We know what good service and consistent quality means for your business. That's why we have short lead times when things need to move fast and stick to the agreements made so you can meet your deadlines.
Contact us
At Gjerlev A/S, we place great emphasis on establishing close cooperation with our customers, creating the foundation for a strong and value-creating partnership.
Important message to our customers
We have sold part of our business activities
Plastic coatings
For all inquiries regarding Qubik NT and Qubik NTF, please contact Munck Asfalt A/S Bridge Department at tel. 63 31 35 35 or mail@munck-asfalt.dk
Tapecrete products
For all inquiries regarding Tapecrete products, please contact Marlon A/S at tel. 75 75 43 00 or marlon@marlon.dk.

Do you need storage space?
We offer storage units in all sizes with a central location in Middelfart.
See more at www.lejenbox.dk